Thursday, August 28, 2014

My 32 year-old-son is agnostic----------non catholic---------The Power Of Right Believing - 21 Apr 13

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Today, 1:32 pm

Junior Member
Join Date: January 21, 2014
Posts: 245
Religion: Catholic

My 32 year-old-son is agnostic

Asking for suggestions of books that I can order for my son to change
his agnostic beliefs. He informed me that he believes in a higher power,
but not convinced of any Christian beliefs. He thinks the Catholic
church is good at keeping people in line by making them feel guilt. And,
he does not think that is a bad thing, as it helped him with morals
growing up. He is not so convinced about the bible. He says when there
is proof that he will believe. That he must see something to be
convinced. And, believes that Catholics are superstitious.

He is a very intelligent man, far more intelligent than I, his mother. I
do not have the gift to convince him of our Catholic faith. He was
raised Catholic, but he has his own mind.(which I would love to change) I
can only pray for him.

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Today, 2:20 pm

Forum Master
Join Date: May 18, 2004
Posts: 14,429
Religion: Catholic

Re: My 32 year-old-son is agnostic

Have him read "The Everlasting Man" by G. K. Chesterton and see what he thinks then.
Chesterton was a journalist not a priest or any kind of church leader,
but he understood philosophy and the human heart like no one else. He
used common sense and wit to help people understand such issues. I
rather think your son might come to see things quite differently after
reading anything by Chesterton from his mystery novels (the Father Brown
series) to poetry, to newspaper articles to biographies. Everything he
wrote pointed to God and why we should believe in God and in his Church.
But he's never hamfisted or mean--just the opposite. All the best. I
will remember your son in my Evening Prayer intentions. God bless.

The external deserts in the world are growing, because the internal deserts have become so vast. -- Pope Benedict XVI

Tiber Swim Team, Class of '87.


"Sanctum erit, facere bonum" Della's blog:

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