Thursday, August 28, 2014

Power of Speaking in Tongues

My 32 year-old-son is agnostic----------non catholic---------The Power Of Right Believing - 21 Apr 13

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Today, 1:32 pm

Junior Member
Join Date: January 21, 2014
Posts: 245
Religion: Catholic

My 32 year-old-son is agnostic

Asking for suggestions of books that I can order for my son to change
his agnostic beliefs. He informed me that he believes in a higher power,
but not convinced of any Christian beliefs. He thinks the Catholic
church is good at keeping people in line by making them feel guilt. And,
he does not think that is a bad thing, as it helped him with morals
growing up. He is not so convinced about the bible. He says when there
is proof that he will believe. That he must see something to be
convinced. And, believes that Catholics are superstitious.

He is a very intelligent man, far more intelligent than I, his mother. I
do not have the gift to convince him of our Catholic faith. He was
raised Catholic, but he has his own mind.(which I would love to change) I
can only pray for him.

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Today, 2:20 pm

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Join Date: May 18, 2004
Posts: 14,429
Religion: Catholic

Re: My 32 year-old-son is agnostic

Have him read "The Everlasting Man" by G. K. Chesterton and see what he thinks then.
Chesterton was a journalist not a priest or any kind of church leader,
but he understood philosophy and the human heart like no one else. He
used common sense and wit to help people understand such issues. I
rather think your son might come to see things quite differently after
reading anything by Chesterton from his mystery novels (the Father Brown
series) to poetry, to newspaper articles to biographies. Everything he
wrote pointed to God and why we should believe in God and in his Church.
But he's never hamfisted or mean--just the opposite. All the best. I
will remember your son in my Evening Prayer intentions. God bless.

The external deserts in the world are growing, because the internal deserts have become so vast. -- Pope Benedict XVI

Tiber Swim Team, Class of '87.


"Sanctum erit, facere bonum" Della's blog:

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Joseph Prince - The Power Of Right Believing - 21 Apr 13

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

alvin glombowski

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Thermotron 50 years of lies that unite church going perverts

Thermotron 50 years of lies that unite church going perverts

Thermotron—Dean tRipp — said thomas Bannach was a liar and a thief and a embezzler– when he worked for him–

Dean tRipp — said thomas Bannach was a liar and a thief and a embezzler– when he worked for him–

Monday, September

Sociopath indicators– Thermotron sales, management , and service training

yes –
at thermotron it’s “REQUIRED” to prove you are a sociopath

california former employee

This management team not only kept the employees uninformed, and misinformed, but they kept each other misinformed,
just tell me the good things happening (or the potential dirt on the underlings) I don’t want to hear about problems.
The alcoholic salesman once painted a story that dramatized this distortion.
If for instance a salesman was with as customer and jumped into their lap, kissed them on the lips shit all over themselves and the customer.
By the time the story was filtered to the president it could likely be changed to “
Well the salesman had some Mexican food for lunch and it gave him gas; when he was with the customer he farted a couple times.
It was necessary to learn the skill of
1…”memo documentation”
( at one point this  escalated to something akin to memo wars)
this manager became a habitual liar and denied anything and everything; it became
necessary to document events to anticipate his lack of support in the effort minimize future problems.
As stat ed above it became necessary to write memo’s to document any type of problem.
This manager who was in a different office instead of keeping (remote) employees better informed, covertly told his (cronies) accomplice’s to let him know if a memo’s were being sent. Of course !!
Ah yes, your humble narrator went out to California on a Pilgrimage. Searching for holy cities,
magicians, wild women, and new flavors of the “Wow “Vibes.
California, the Golden State.

At the time, it sort of seemed like an omen. Intuition told me that I would find ” Truth “
in California.
Nobody dies of old age there. Everyone dies prematurely on the highways, and you never know when,
Any minute of any hour some brake lights could blink, tires squeal, and the semi on your rear bumper flattens you into a gruesome road-kill in two seconds flat. It could happen tonight. You live like a hunted beast.
Everyone has their day to die on the thruway bleeding, you get your own honorary traffic jam as gawkers creep by admiring your splashed guts. And the traffic jam blocks the ambulance two miles back.
Everyone is famous for
a half an hour.
It’s like a bizarre pagan sacrifice to the Goddess of Asphalt.
No one escapes the hot black alter!
My dashboard was a good luck temple …. four inches deep in St. Christopher statues, rabbit’s feet, four leaf clovers, spirit whistles, eagle feathers, glass pyramids, magic crystals, satchels of voodoo herbs, and photos of Jesus Christ, Budda, Confucius, and Ollie North.
YOU NEED more than AAA.
California the land of promise.
As i drove along those roads I saw it for what it was …….
” Pou-Fu Loves Sally ”
“Iluminado + Sally ”
” Abdulla Owns Sally “
The thugs hang out every where.
Nubile wenches. Boom boxes, Budweiser,
and Zig-Zag bomers. Litter everywhere..
Yes, the couple years I spent in California……thinking that this was ” IT ” was as much fun as an
…………incurable case of
jumbo Ho Chi Mihn crab lice.
Did I find the Truth??
Boy, did I !!!
I cruised right by
the bright red signs.

All caution to the wind.
The Management method employed was to
1…erode the employees confidence in their work;
2…find some petty reason or fault, real or imaginary,
3… create situations where the employee may have to lie.
4…Put them under pressure so they would fail
5.. then management could supposedly
6…This provided justification for the employee to LIE FOR The Manager;
This effort was to keep the employees:
7…confused and there for under control,
8…and with the group lying for the Manager “it was a Good day 4 him

How to spot a Thermotron– PSYCHOPATH– management training

– well thermotron
training is how to be a psychopath– Greogoy V Johnson  was the pet of thomas bannach– who bragged it was ok to defraud your co workers–
Hil sybesma– said he had the same moral character– and stealing was not bad– it was working the system

thermotron former employee

Monday, Mar 3, 2008
Posted on Sun, May. 27, 2007
A job lost and perspective gained MIKE DRUMMOND
Kevin Holt of Gastonia bears little likeness to the chiseled warriors depicted in Army posters.
He’s 41, heavyset and has a habit of pushing his eyeglasses to the bridge of his nose.
He’s a citizen-soldier.
The former sailor enlisted in the National Guard in July 2004 as a way to supplement his income and heed a call to service.
Last summer, between supervising a chow line at Camp Speicher outside Tikrit, Iraq, and running food convoys, Holt sat at dusty computer keyboards, hunting and pecking the answers to his online college course. He hoped a business degree would help him land a job.
Thermotron Industries, based in Holland, Mich., fired Holt in April 2005, near the height of the Bush administration’s call-up of National Guard members and just a week after Holt told the company he was being deployed to Iraq.
Holt serviced Thermotron’s environmental test chambers, which expose electronics and other devices to temperature extremes. He covered a patch of the Southeast for the privately held, mid-sized company, making about $54,000 a year.
Holt says Thermotron accused him of trying to bill the company for Yellow Pages advertising he had ordered for his side repair business. BellSouth had mailed the bill to Thermotron by mistake, an error
Holt said his boss had resolved more than eight months before.
The married father of two worked seven years for Thermotron, which has a growing defense-contract business. T
he termination was an about-face for a company that two months before firing him had given Holt another glowing annual evaluation.
Fellow soldiers in the National Guard’s 50

Thermotron management training former employee — exit interview – Elaine Johnson Vp

thomas bannach thermotron management training


thermotron manager training — The dutchboy Religious Holland Michigan Whore

Thermotron — well your replacement is here–

Good by.. we will remember Uuuu

LIKE– b-i-g–BUTTS ???

thermotron management training with thomas bannach — it’s All Good

The dutchboy Religious Holland Michigan Whore manager

The dutchboy Religious managerconspired to defraud his co-workers; and if someone didn’t go along with the stories (support his lies)
he would point suspicion about them by saying things like,
“they have a problem“.
Uuuuu has overlooked the character of a liar; a liar will:
3.steal and embezzle,
6.lead people astray,
7.blame it on someone else,
8.deny it,
9.then lie about it.
Everyone wishes everyone else’s discrediting, demotion, and ruin;
everyone is an expert in the confidential report, the pretended alliance, the stab in the back.
Over all this their good manners, their expressions of grave respect,
their “tributes” to one another’s invaluable services form a thin crust.
Every now and then it gets punctured, and the scalding lava of their hatred spurts out.
Seems that ole A.G. has taken a strange tack here.
I used to think that I had missed something by not moving directly from college into the weird world of neckties & suits & shoulderpads & high heels..
That is, until I got the last few jobs.
Now I can see that I didn’t miss anything. That I was blessed to have taken the narrow winding path instead.
My recent leap right smack into the world of mainstream has been a Piss-in-Your-Pants sort of exp.
Really! A non-stop journey through the Twilight Zone.
Astonishingly illuminating. Naturally, my response has been sharp and merciless.
It takes a good grip not to get sucked into the machinery.
But anyway, Jung said if you become highly individualized
(free thinker) , you can become independent of the mass consciousness.
It is these liberated individuals- who live outside the circle of the druid dance- who sometimes change the course of human history. (the Lutheran religion started thus)
Tis the hermits and pilgrims and magicians that will save us, if anyone can.
So, A.G., this is what I think:
There are two kinds of critics.
There are critics motivated by poison and insanity who criticize with the intention of causing pain (read Mein Kampf by A. Hitler);
and there are critics motivated by an intense optimism [now rare] who criticize for the sake of awakening rapture (read Island by A. Huxley).
I hallucinate that I am of the latter type. Thanks for your concern. What I’m doing is necessary to my voyage. Sorry it’s so weird.
Being a Seeker-of-Truth is a difficult path to walk, people want to hear what they want to hear… and what do they want to hear?
That they are fine, good, clever, smart and successful whom we all have a great deal of respect for.
ed. [Seeking human respect can be fatal, a fatal error]
The games that people play, reinforce whatever social rules they are trying to fulfil; Whatever dream or image they are trying to promote.
Big John the Tindink early on dramatized the game of deceit at THERMOTRON one weasel factory I worked.
In the effort to hide his backstabbing and defrauding his co-workers he would say :
“Old Bob is as Smart as a Fox.
Old Bob the Original “First Ever” National Manager. You might say he was
” the Godfather ” of the “I Lied for You “
Good Old Boy’s Club in the environmental chamber industry.
So, lets take a look at his Character and the business methods he employed.
welll maybe not 2 day… but remember U…2… can be a whore